Young students need to be prepared for 21st century challenges and encouraged towards a career in science and technology. Therefore, Vereniging NLT, responsible for the course Natuur, Leven en Technologie (NLT) that is currently only taught in senior classes, wants to implement its interdisciplinary science course in junior years of secondary education.
More about the project
This project has two objectives. Firstly, to gain knowledge on what are considered to be fitting didactic approaches and relevant themes for an NLT module in junior classes. Secondly, to develop an outline for an NLT module for the first year of secondary school at HAVO and VWO level.
To achieve the objectives, we have subdivided our approach into four phases: (0) orientation, (1) knowledge acquisition, (2) module outline development, and (3) product development. After the orientation phase, in which we familiarised ourselves with the project, we will acquire knowledge on teaching methodology and topics that are suitable for students in NLT junior classes through interviews and questionnaires. These findings will be used for the development of an NLT module outline for first year students. If time allows, the outline will be further developed through testing and adjusting in the product development phase.
With this project, we wish to contribute to the movement of encouraging young teenagers to pursue a technical and/or scientific path, stimulate interdisciplinarity in secondary education, and be the starting point of an extended database of NLT modules for junior classes.
In order to finalise the acquisition phase, we will write a report on NLT didactics for junior years of secondary education. This will be a starting point for future NLT author teams. The module outline development phase will result in an outline for an NLT module for first year students of secondary education.

Lucia Hendrikse, Emma Caarls, Marijn Snik